CLI Conventions Be aware of the following MSS CLI conventions for command entry:
“Command Prompts” on page 28
“Syntax Notation” on page 28
“Text Entry Conventions and Allowed Characters” on page 29
“User Globs, MAC Address Globs, and VLAN Globs” on page 30
“Port Lists” on page 32
“Virtual LAN Identification” on page 33
Command Prompts By default, the MSS CLI provides the following prompt for restricted
users. The mmmm portion shows the wireless LAN switch model number
(for example, 1200).
After you become enabled as an administrative user by typing enable
and supplying a suitable password, MSS displays the following prompt:
For information about changing the CLI prompt on a wireless LAN switch,
see “set prompt” on page 59.
Syntax Notation The MSS CLI uses standard syntax notation:
Bold monospace font identifies the command and keywords you must
type. For example:
set enablepass
Italics indicate a placeholder for a value. For example, you replace
vlan-id in the following command with a virtual LAN (VLAN) ID:
clear interface vlan-id ip
Curly brackets ({}) indicate a mandatory parameter, and square
brackets ([]) indicate an optional parameter. For example, you must
enter dynamic or port and a port list in the following command, but
a VLAN ID is optional:
clear fdb {dynamic | port port-list} [vlan vlan-id]