clear security 12-restrict 105
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — You can delete forwarding database entries based on entry
type, port, or VLAN. A VLAN name or number is required for deleting
permanent or static entries.
Examples — The following command clears all static forwarding
database entries that match VLAN blue:
WX4400# clear fdb static vlan blue
success: change accepted.
The following command clears all dynamic forwarding database entries
that match all VLANs:
WX4400# clear fdb dynamic
success: change accepted.
The following command clears all dynamic forwarding database entries
that match ports 3 and 5:
WX4400# clear fdb port 3,5
success: change accepted.
See Also
display fdb on page 109
set fdb on page 121
clear security
Removes one or more MAC addresses from the list of destination MAC
addresses to which clients in a VLAN are allowed to send traffic at Layer 2.
Syntax —
clear security 12-restrict vlan vlan-id
[permit-mac mac-addr [mac-addr]|all]
vlan-id — VLAN name or number.
permit-mac — List of MAC addresses. MSS no longer allows clients
mac-addr in the VLAN to send traffic to the MAC addresses at
mac-addr]Layer 2.
all — Removes all MAC addresses from the list.
Defaults — If you do not specify a list of MAC addresses or all, all
addresses are removed.