Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 4.1.
Usage — If you clear all MAC addresses, Layer 2 forwarding is no longer
restricted in the VLAN. Clients within the VLAN will be able to
communicate directly.
To clear the statistics counters without removing any MAC addresses, use
the clear security l2-restrict counters command instead.
Examples — The following command removes MAC address
aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff from the list of addresses to which clients in VLAN
abc_air are allowed to send traffic at Layer 2:
WX4400# clear security 12-restrict vlan abc_air permit-mac
success: change accepted.
See Also
clear security 12-restrict counters on page 106
clear security 12-restrict on page 105
display security 12-restrict on page 116
clear security
12-restrict counters
Clears statistics counters for Layer 2 forwarding restriction.
Syntax —
clear security 12-restrict counters [vlan vlan-id | all]
vlan-id — VLAN name or number.
all — Clears Layer 2 forwarding restriction counters for all VLANs.
Defaults — If you do not specify a VLAN or all, counters for all VLANs
are cleared.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 4.1.
Usage — To clear MAC addresses from the list of addresses to which
clients are allowed to send data, use the clear security 12-restrict
command instead.