load config 679
Table 115 describes the fields in the display version output.
See Also
display boot on page 674
load config Loads configuration commands from a file and replaces the WX switch’s
running configuration with the commands in the loaded file.
CAUTION: This command completely removes the running configuration
and replaces it with the configuration contained in the file. 3Com
recommends that you save a copy of the current running configuration to
a backup configuration file before loading a new configuration.
Syntax —
load config [url]
url — Filename. Specify between 1 and 128 alphanumeric characters,
with no spaces.
If the file is in a subdirectory, specify the subdirectory name, followed
by a forward slash, in front of the filename. For example:
Table 115 Output for display version
Field Description
Build Information Factory timestamp of the image file.
Label Software version and build date.
Build Suffix Build suffix.
Model Build model.
Hardware Version information for the WX switch’s motherboard and
Power over Ethernet (PoE) board.
Serial number Serial number of the WX switch.
Flash Flash memory version.
Kernel Kernel version.
BootLoader Boot code version.
Port/AP Port number connected to a MAP access point.
AP Model MAP model number.
Serial # MAP serial number.
Versions MAP hardware, firmware, and software versions.