reset system 683
reset system Restarts an WX switch and reboots the software.
Syntax —
reset system [force]
force — Immediately restarts the system and reboots, without
comparing the running configuration to the configuration file.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — If you do not use the force option, the command first
compares the running configuration to the configuration file. If the
running configuration and configuration file do not match, MSS does not
restart the WX switch but instead displays a message advising you to
either save the configuration changes or use the force option.
Examples — The following command restarts an WX switch that does
not have any unsaved configuration changes:
WX4400# reset system
This will reset the entire system. Are you sure (y/n)y
The following commands attempt to restart an WX switch with a running
configuration that has unsaved changes, and then force the switch to
WX4400# reset system
error: Cannot reset, due to unsaved configuration changes.
Use "reset system force" to override.
WX4400# reset system force
...... rebooting ......
See Also
display boot on page 674
display version on page 677
save config on page 685