rfping Provides information about the RF link between the WX and the client
based on sending test packets to the client.
Syntax — rfping {mac mac-addr | session-id session-id}
mac-addr — Tests the RF link between the WX and the client with the
specified MAC address.
session-id — Tests the RF link between the WX and the client with
the specified local session ID.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History — Version 4.2 Command introduced. Version 6.0 Name of
command changed from test rflink to
Usage — Use this command to send test packets to a specified client.
The output of
the command indicates the number of test packets
received and acknowledged by the client, as well as the clientís signal
strength and signal-to-noise ratio.
Examples — The following command tests the RF link between the WX
switch and
the client with MAC address 00:0e:9b:bf:ad:13:
WX# rfping mac 00:0e:9b:bf:ad:13
RF-Link Test to 00:0e:9b:bf:ad:13 :
Session-Id: 2
Packets Sent Packets Rcvd RSSI SNR RTT (micro-secs)
------------ ------------ ------- ----- ----------------
20 20 -68 26 976
Table 83 describes the fields in this display.
Table 102 rfping Output
Field Description
Packets Sent The number of test packets sent from the WX switch to the
Packets Rcvd The number of test packets acknowledged by the client.