Examples — The following command enables the no-broadcast mode
on service profile sp1:
WX4400# set service-profile sp1 no-broadcast enable
success: change accepted.
See Also
display service-profile on page 353
set service-profile dhcp-restrict on page 445
set service-profile proxy-arp on page 452
set service-profile
Enables proxy ARP. When proxy ARP is enabled, the WX replies to ARP
requests for client IP address on behalf of the clients. This feature reduces
broadcast overhead on a service profile SSID by eliminating ARP
broadcasts from MAP radios to the SSID’s clients.
If the ARP request is for a client with an IP address the WX does not
already know, the WX allows MAP radios to send the ARP request to
clients. If the no-broadcast mode is also enabled, the MAP radios send
the ARP request as a unicast to only the clients whose addresses the WX
does not know. However, if no-broadcast mode is disabled, the MAP
radios sends the ARP request as a broadcast to all clients on the SSID.
Syntax — set service-profile name proxy-arp {enable |
name — Service profile name.
enable — Enables proxy ARP.
disable — Disables proxy ARP.
Defaults — Proxy ARP is disabled by default.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 4.2.
Usage — To further reduce broadcast traffic on a service profile, use the
set service-profile no-broadcast command to disable DHCP and ARP
request broadcasts.