set web-portal Globally enables or disables WebAAA on a WX switch.
Syntax —
set web-portal {enable | disable}
enable — Enables WebAAA on the switch.
disable — Disables WebAAA on the switch.
Defaults — Enabled.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0. Command name changed
from set web-aaa to set web-portal, to match change to portal-based
implementation in MSS Version 4.0.
Usage — This command disables or reenables support for WebAAA.
However, WebAAA has additional configuration requirements. For
information, see the “Configuring AAA for Network Users” chapter in
the Wireless LAN Switch and Controller Configuration Guide.
Examples — To disable WebAAA, type the following command:
WX4400# set web-portal disable
success: change accepted.
See Also
clear authentication proxy on page 218
set service-profile auth-fallthru on page 434
set user on page 271