CAUTION: When the Mobility Profile feature is enabled, a user is denied
access if assigned a Mobility-Profile attribute in the local WX database or
RADIUS server when no Mobility Profile of that name exists on the WX.
To change the ports in a profile, use set mobility-profile again with the
updated port list.
Examples — The following commands create the Mobility Profile
magnolia, which restricts user access to port 2; enable the Mobility Profile
feature on the WX switch; and assign the magnolia Mobility Profile to
user Jose.
WX1200# set mobility-profile name magnolia port 2
success: change accepted.
WX1200# set mobility-profile mode enable
success: change accepted.
WX1200# set user Jose attr mobility-profile magnolia
success: change accepted.
The following command adds port 3 to the magnolia Mobility Profile
(which is already assigned to port 2):
WX1200# set mobility-profile name magnolia port 3
success: change accepted.
See Also
clear mobility-profile on page 224
display mobility-profile on page 235
set mac-user attr on page 261
set mac-usergroup attr on page 267
set mobility-profile mode on page 271
set user attr on page 273
set usergroup on page 275