set rfdetect signature key 659
Examples — The following command enables MAP signatures on a WX
WX1200# set rfdetect signature enable
success: signature is now enabled.
set rfdetect
signature key
Creates an encrypted RF fingerprint key to use as a signature for a MAP.
Syntax — set rfdetect signature key encrypted <key_value>
key — 16 bytes separated by colons generated by the user. For
example, a1:b2:c3:d4:e5:f6:g7:h8 can be a key value.
encrypted — Encrypts the signature key.
Defaults — Disabled by default.
Access — Enabled
History —Introduced in 5.0
set rfdetect ssid-list Adds an SSID to the permitted SSID list.The permitted SSID list specifies the
SSIDs that are allowed on the network. If MSS detects packets for an SSID
that is not on the list, the AP that sent the packets is classified as a rogue.
MSS issues countermeasures against the rogue if they are enabled.
Syntax —
set rfdetect ssid-list ssid-name
ssid-name — SSID name you want to add to the permitted SSID list.
Defaults — The permitted SSID list is empty by default and all SSIDs are
allowed. However, after you add an entry to the list, MSS allows traffic
only for the SSIDs that are on the list.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 4.0.
Usage — The permitted SSID list applies only to the WX switch on which
the list is configured. WX switches do not share permitted SSID lists.