for a on e-crus t p ie :
1½ c ups unblea ched,
all -pu r p o se flou r
¼ teas poo n table salt
teas poo n bakinG p ow d e r
8 tablesp oons (¼ pou nd;
1 s t i c k) unsalted b u t t e r,
cold and cut i nto
½-inch cubes
2 tablesp oons v e G et a b l e
shorteninG (p r e fe r a b l y
non-hy d r o G e na t e d ), co ld
and cut into ½-inch cubes
2 t o 4 t abl espo ons ic e w a t e r
for a t w o-crust p i e :
3 c ups unblea ched,
all -pu r p o se flou r
½ teas poo n table salt
¼ teas poo n bakinG p ow d e r
16 tablesp oons (½ pou nd;
2 st ick s) unsalted b u t t er,
cold and cut i nto ½-inch
cub es
4 tablesp oons v e G et a b l e
shorteninG (p r e fe r a b l y
non-hy d r o G e na t e d ), co ld
and cut into ½-inch cubes
5 t o 8 tabl esp oons ic e w a t e r
Approximate preparation time: 10 minutes, plus 30 minutes
resting time
Insert the large metal chopping blade into the large work bowl
of the Cuisinart
Food Processor. Add the flour, salt and baking
powder and process for 10 seconds to sift. Add the well-chilled
butter and shortening. Use short quick pulses until the mixture
resembles coarse corn meal and no pieces of butter larger than
a pea remain visible, 15 to 20 pulses. Sprinkle half the
maximum ice water on the flour and butter mixture, then pulse
5 or 6 times. The dough will be crumbly, but should begin to
hold together when a small amount is picked up and pressed
together. Add more water, a teaspoon (two for the two-crust
recipe) at a time, with 2 to 3 quick pulses after each addition,
adding just enough water for the dough to hold together easily
when pressed into a ball. Do not allow the dough to form a ball
in the processor! Add the liquid sparingly so that the dough is
not sticky. Do not overprocess or the pastry will be tough, not
tender and flaky.
Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface. Press
together into a ball, then flatten into a disk about 6 inches in
diameter (two disks for the two-crust recipe). Wrap in plastic
wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour before continuing. The dough
will keep refrigerated for up to 3 days, or may be frozen
(double wrapped) for up to a month; thaw at room temperature
for an hour before using. Use as directed in recipe.
To bake the pastry blind for a single-crust filled pie or tart, roll
out pastry ¹⁄
-inch thick to fit pan; crimp and seal edges. Prick
bottom all over with a fork. Chill for 30 minutes. Preheat the
oven to 400º F. Cover the shell with a sheet of aluminum foil or
parchment paper and weigh down with pie weights, dry rice or
dried beans. Bake for 15 minutes.
TIP: Leftover pastry may be rolled out and cut into shapes to
garnish the pie, or brushed with milk, sprinkled with sugar or
cinnamon and sugar, and baked until lightly browned.
Nutritional information based on 12 servings per pie: 1-crust pie
Calories 138 (65% from fat) | pro. 1g | carb. 11g | fat 10g |
sat. fat 1g | chol. 20mg | sod. 48mg | calc. 2mg | fiber 0g
Nutritional information based on 12 servings per pie: 2-crust pie
Calories 277 (65% from fat) | pro 3g | carb 22g | fat 20g |
sat. fat 1g | chol. 40mg | sod. 104mg | calc. 2mg | fiber 0g
This recipe makes ample crust for a
9- to 11-inch regular or deep-dish pie or tart.