2 teas poo ns ol ive oil
4 v eal shanks (about 4
poun ds t o t a l ), about
1¼ inches thick, 3 t o 3½
inches in d i a m e te r, ti e d
w i t h butcher's t w i n e
½ teas poo n kos her salt
¼ teaspoo n f r es h l y Ground
bla ck p e p pe r
½ cup all-p u r p os e flou r
¼ cup pa r s l ey
½ pound on ions , cut into
1-inch p i ec e s
1 l e e k , w h i t e part onl y ,
c l e an e d w e ll and cut
into 1-inch p ie c e s
1 med i u m ca rrot, cut into
1-inch p i ec e s
1 c e l e r y s t a l k , cut into
1-inch p i ec e s
3 Garlic clove s
1 tablesp oon unsal ted
b u t t er
1 teas poo n dried th y m e
1 c an plum toma toe s,
drained and rouG hly
c h o pp e d
¼ cup dry w h i te w i ne
¼ c up ch ic ken s t o c k ,
nonfat, low sod ium
1 tabl esp oon t o m a t o p a st e
1 bay leaf
Makes 4 servings
Approximate preparation time: 35 to 40 minutes plus
3 hours for cooking
Put olive oil into an ovenproof 6-quart casserole over medium
heat. While oil is heating, season veal with salt and pepper;
dust lightly with flour, shaking off excess. Once oil is heated,
add the veal shanks and cook for about 8 to 10 minutes on
each side, until nicely browned. Remove and reserve.
While shanks are cooking, insert the small metal blade into the
small work bowl of the Cuisinart
Food Processor. Add the
parsley and process to finely chop; remove work bowl and
reserve. Insert the large metal chopping blade into the large
work bowl. With the machine running, drop the garlic through
the small feed tube to chop. Add the onions and leeks and
pulse to chop, about 10 to 12 pulses; remove and reserve
separately. Chop the carrots and celery by pulsing, then add
to the onion mixture.
Preheat oven to 300°F.
Once the shanks are well browned, add the butter to the
casserole. Once melted, stir in the chopped onions, leeks,
carrots, celery, garlic, and thyme. Cook until onions are
translucent and vegetables are slightly softened, about 5 to 8
minutes. While vegetables are cooking, add the plum
tomatoes to the work bowl and pulse to roughly chop; reserve.
Stir the wine into the casserole and reduce completely. Add the
chicken stock and let the liquid come to a strong simmer. Stir in
the chopped tomatoes, tomato paste and bay leaf and again
bring mixture to a low simmer. Add the reserved veal shanks,
nestling them in the tomato/vegetable mixture; be sure liquid
comes halfway up the shanks. Place cover on casserole and
place in oven. Cook until meat is completely tender and falling
off the bone, about 3 hours
Degrease the cooking liquid with a fat mop. (Or pour the liquid
into a fat separator and allow the fat to rise to the top. Then
pour the defatted liquid back into the cooked vegetables.)
Stir in reserved chopped parsley. Taste, add remaining salt if
necessary and adjust seasoning accordingly.
Serve with pasta, potatoes, or polenta.
Nutritional information per serving:
Calories 607 (20% from fat)
carb. 20g
pro. 100g
fat 13g
sat. fat 4g
chol. 381mg
sod. 686mg
calc. 179mg
fiber 4g
A perfect, comforting dish for a cold winter evening.