5 spriGs f re s h cilantro
½ sma l l vidalia oni on,
cut i nto 1-inch p i ec e s
1 s ma l l Garlic clo ve
1 sma l l jalapeño pe p p e r,
s e e de d
1 teas poo n s e a salt
1 p lum t om a t o , cut into
1-inch p i ec e s
1 G re e n hotho use t o m a to ,
cut i nto 1-inch p i ec e s
1 yel lo w t o m a t o , c ut into
1-inch p i ec e s
½ teas poo n f r es h l i m e juice
Makes 2 cups
Approximate preparation time: 10 minutes
Insert the large metal chopping blade into the large
work bowl of the Cuisinart
Food Processor. Place the
cilantro, onion, garlic clove and jalapeño into the work
bowl and pulse to chop, about 10 pulses. Add the salt,
tomatoes and lime juice and pulse to chop until desired
consistency is reached, about 8 to 10 pulses.
Taste and adjust seasoning accordingly.
For better consistency, drain in a strainer to remove
excess liquid.
Serve with your favorite tortilla chips.
Nutritional information per serving (¼ cup):
Calories 13 (9% from fat)
carb. 3g
pro. 1g
fat 0g
sat. fat 0g
chol. 0mg
sod. 209mg
calc. 7mg
fiber 1g
Serve warm tortilla chips alongside this fresh and tangy salsa.