1½ cups unbleached,
all -pu r p o se flou r
¾ c up plus 4 teas poo ns
e v a po r a t ed mi l k
2 larGe eGGs
1 tablesp oon unsal ted
b u t t er, m e lt e d
½ teas poo n salt
b u t t er or nonstick
cook inG spray for pan
Makes 12 popovers
Approximate preparation time: 5 minutes plus
45 minutes for resting and 50 minutes for baking
Insert the large metal chopping blade into the large
work bowl of the Cuisinart
Food Processor. Add the
flour, milk, eggs, butter and salt and process ingredients
together until completely smooth, about 20 to 30
seconds. Transfer to a large measuring cup and allow to
rest at room temperature for about 30 to 45 minutes.
Preheat oven to 450°F (use convection bake if available).
Heavily butter or coat with nonstick cooking spray two
6-cup popover pans or twelve 5-ounce ramekins or
muffin cups and place on two baking sheets. Fill each
cup/ramekin with about ¹⁄
cup of batter. Place in oven
and bake for 30 minutes. Lower the heat to 350°F and
bake for an additional 20 minutes. Remove from oven
and carefully remove popovers from ramekins.
Serve immediately.
Nutritional information per popover:
Calories 136 (39% from fat)
carb. 14g
pro. 6g
fat 6g
sat. fat 3g
chol. 87mg
sod. 188mg
calc. 98mg
fiber 0g
Eat the popovers hot out of the oven to fully appreciate
their delicious texture.