Try this frittata paired with a green salad for a light lunch or dinner.
Makes 10 servings
Approximate preparation time: 25 minutes, plus
15 minutes for baking
Preheat oven to 350°F.
Insert the small metal chopping blade into the small
work bowl of the Cuisinart
Food Processor and process
the Parmesan until finely chopped; remove and reserve.
Add the garlic cloves to the small bowl and process until
finely chopped; remove bowl and reserve.
Insert the slicing disc assembly, adjusted to 4mm, into
the large work bowl and slice the mushrooms. Adjust
the disc to 2mm and then slice the red peppers.
Place a 12-inch nonstick skillet* over medium heat.
Add the olive oil and swirl the pan to coat the pan
surface evenly with the oil. Add the garlic to the skillet
and sauté for 2 to 3 minutes, until fragrant. Add the
mushrooms, red peppers, thyme, and a pinch each of
the salt and pepper. Sauté for about 8 to 10 minutes,
until the vegetables have softened.
While vegetables are cooking, beat the eggs together
well and stir in the remaining salt and pepper and
reserved Parmesan. Once vegetables are soft, reduce
heat to medium low and pour the eggs into the skillet;
lightly stir to evenly distribute the vegetables. Leave
skillet on the heat so that the bottom of the frittata
begins to set, about 5 minutes. Place skillet into oven
and bake until the top of the frittata is golden and
puffed, about 15 to 20 minutes.
Carefully remove skillet from oven and invert onto a
cutting board to cut the frittata to serve immediately.
*If not using a nonstick pan, coat the pan with a nonstick
cooking spray before adding the eggs. To do so, once the
vegetables are sautéed, stir them into beaten eggs; spray
the pan before adding the egg and vegetable mixture.
Nutritional information per scone:
Calories 102 (64% from fat)
carb. 2g
pro. 7g
fat 7g
sat. fat 2g
chol. 212mg
sod. 295mg
calc. 38mg
fiber 1g
3 ounces parmesa n,
cut i nto ½-inch cubes
3 Garlic clove s
8 ounc es c r em i n i m u s h ro o m s
2 r ed b e ll p e pp e r s , each c ut
into 4 s t r i p s
1 teas poo n dried th y m e
1½ ta bles poo ns ext ra virGin
oliv e oi l
¼ teaspoon kos her salt,
½ teaspoon f r es h l y Ground
bla ck p e p pe r, divided
10 larGe eGGs