½ h ead G r e e n cabbaGe,
cored an d qua rter ed
½ h ead red cabbaGe,
cored an d halved
½ poun d ca rrots
½ fennel bulb
1¼ teas poo ns ko she r salt
½ cup ma yonnaise
½ teaspoon f r es h l y
Ground black p e p p er
¼ teaspoon Granulated
suG ar
Makes 8 cups
Approximate preparation time: 5 to 10 minutes,
plus 1 hour for resting time
Insert the slicing disc assembly, adjusted to 4mm, into
the large work bowl of the Cuisinart
Food Processor and
slice both cabbages. Remove and place in a large mixing
bowl. Replace the slicing disc with the reversible
shredding disc on the medium shredding side and shred
the carrots and fennel. Toss well with the cabbage and the
salt. Let vegetables sit for 1 hour and then squeeze out
any moisture and drain. Toss with remaining ingredients.
Taste and adjust seasoning accordingly.
Nutritional information per serving (1 cup):
Calories 177 (74% from fat)
carb. 10g
pro. 2g
fat 15g
sat. fat 2g
chol. 7mg
sod. 597mg
calc. 65mg
fiber 4g
The Cuisinart
Food Processor makes the preparation of this
picnic favorite a breeze.