Makes 3 cups
Approximate preparation time: 10 minutes
Insert the large metal chopping blade into the large
work bowl of the Cuisinart
Food Processor. With the
machine running, drop the garlic through the small feed
tube to finely chop. Add the jalapeño to the work bowl
and pulse 5 times to chop. Add the onion and pulse 4
times to chop. Add the cilantro and pulse 3 times to
chop. Add the tomatoes and pulse 3 times to chop.
Scoop out the insides of the avocados directly into work
bowl and add the lime juice and salt. Pulse until desired
consistency is achieved, about 10 to 12 pulses.
Nutritional information per serving (¼ cup):
Calories 76 (73% from fat)
carb. 5g
pro. 1g
fat 7g
sat. fat 1g
chol. 0mg
sod. 104mg
calc. 8mg
fiber 3g
Make our fresh guacamole for the Sunday game or serve alongside
quesadillas for a fun dinner night.
1 Garlic clove
½ j alapeño p e p p e r, s e e d e d,
cut i nto 1-inch p i ec e s
½ sma l l on ion , cut i nto
1-inch p i ec e s
1 tabl esp oon c ilantro
¼ cup Grape to mat oes
3 r i p e avocad os, halved,
p i t s r e m o v e d
1 t o 2 tablesp oons f re s h l i me
jui ce
½ teas poo n kos her salt