This super-rich and moist pound cake works well as a simple dessert or to
serve anytime with a cup of tea or coffee.
Make one 9 x 5-inch loaf cake
Approximate preparation time: 20 minutes, plus
90 minutes for baking
Preheat oven to 325°F. Coat a 9 x 5-inch loaf pan with
nonstick cooking spray.
Insert the large metal chopping blade into the large
work bowl of the Cuisinart
Food Processor. Add the
pine nuts and pulse 2 to 3 times, then process until they
are ground. Add the flour, cornmeal, baking powder
and salt and process to sift, about 10 seconds. Remove
bowl and reserve.
Add the butter, sugar and zest to the large work bowl
fitted with the large metal chopping blade; process until
creamy, scraping the bowl as necessary. Combine the
eggs, oil and extract together in a liquid measuring cup.
With machine running, gradually add the egg mixture
until incorporated. Add the dry ingredients evenly to the
work bowl and pulse ingredients until just combined.
Pour batter into the prepared pan. Bake in the middle
of the oven for 90 minutes or until a cake tester comes
out clean.
Nutritional information per serving (12 servings):
Calories 308 (57% from fat)
carb. 29g
pro. 4g
fat 20g
sat. fat 8g
chol. 110mg
sod. 153mg
calc. 21mg
fiber 1g
nonstick co okin G spra y
¼ cup t o a s t e d pine nuts
cup s unbleached,
all -pu r p o se flou r
¼ cup c o r nme a l
½ tabl esp oon ba kinG p o wd e r
½ teas poo n salt
¾ c up (1½ sti cks ) unsa lted
b u t t er, room te m p e ra t u r e ,
cut i nto tab lesp oon s
1 cup Granulated suGar
½ teaspoon ora nGe o r
l em o n z es t
4 larGe eGGs, room
t e m pe r a t ur e
¼ cup o liv e oil
½ tablespo on pure v an il la
ex tra ct