Makes 4 cups
Approximate preparation time: 6 minutes, plus
optional 2 hours for resting
Insert the large metal chopping blade into the large
work bowl of the Cuisinart
Food Processor. Process the
Parmesan until finely chopped; remove and reserve.
Add the fresh herbs to the work bowl; pulse to chop,
about 5 pulses. Add remaining ingredients, including
reserved Parmesan; pulse 5 times to combine, and then
process until all ingredients are incorporated.
Allow dip to rest at least 2 hours in refrigerator for
flavors to develop. Remove from refrigerator ½ hour
before serving.
Nutritional information per serving (¼ cup):
Calories 41 (52% from fat)
carb. 3g
pro. 2g
fat 2g
sat. fat 1g
chol. 2mg
sod. 115mg
calc. 73mg
fiber 0g
1 ounce parmesan, cut into
½-inch cubes
2 tabl esp oons f r es h m i n t
¼ cup f r e s h basil
¼ cup f r e s h p a r s l e y
2 j ars (12-ou nce) art ich oke
16 ou nces plain low-fat
y oG u rt
½ teas poo n l e m o n z e s t
½ teaspoo n f r es h l y Ground
bla ck p e p pe r
¼ teas poo n kos her salt
tea spo on f r e s hl y Groun d
n ut m e G
A delicious lowfat dip for crudités or chips.