DGS-3400 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual
delete limited multicast address
Purpose Used to delete Limited IP multicast address range.
delete limited multicast address [all | <portlist>]
Description This command is used to delete all multicast address ranges or a selected range based
on which port or ports the range has been assigned.
Parameters all – Allows the user to delete all limited multicast addresses that have been configured
on the Switch.
<portlist> – Allows the user to delete only those multicast address ranges that have been
assigned to a particular port or range of ports. The port list is specified by listing the
lowest switch number and the beginning port number on that switch, separated by a
colon. Then the highest switch number, and the highest port number of the range (also
separated by a colon) are specified. The beginning and end of the port list range are
separated by a dash. For example, 1:3 specifies switch number 1, port 3. 2:4 specifies
switch number 2, port 4. 1:3–2:4 specifies all of the ports between switch 1, port 3 and
switch 2, port 4 – in numerical order.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To delete the limited multicast address on ports 1–3:
DGS–3426:5#delete limited multicast address 1:1–1:3
Command: delete limited multicast address 1:1–1:3
show limited multicast address
Used to show per–port Limited IP multicast address range.
show limited multicast address {<portlist>}
Description This command is used to display multicast address range by ports.
Parameters <portlist> – A port or range of ports on which the limited multicast address range to be
shown has been assigned. The port list is specified by listing the lowest switch number
and the beginning port number on that switch, separated by a colon. Then the highest
switch number, and the highest port number of the range (also separated by a colon) are
specified. The beginning and end of the port list range are separated by a dash. For
example, 1:3 specifies switch number 1, port 3. 2:4 specifies switch number 2, port 4.
1:3–2:4 specifies all of the ports between switch 1, port 3 and switch 2, port 4 – in
numerical order. Non–contiguous portlist entries are separated by a comma. (ex: 1:1–
Restrictions None.
Example usage:
To display the limited multicast address on ports 1–3 of module 1: