
DGS-3400 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual
disable ssl
Purpose To disable the SSL function on the Switch.
disable ssl {ciphersuite {RSA_with_RC4_128_MD5 |
RSA_EXPORT_with_RC4_40_MD5} (1) }
Description This command is used to disable SSL on the Switch and can be used to disable any one
or combination of listed ciphersuites on the Switch.
Parameters ciphersuite – A security string that determines the exact cryptographic parameters,
specific encryption algorithms and key sizes to be used for an authentication session.
The user may choose any combination of the following:
RSA_with_RC4_128_MD5 – This ciphersuite combines the RSA key exchange,
stream cipher RC4 encryption with 128–bit keys and the MD5 Hash Algorithm.
RSA_with_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA – This ciphersuite combines the RSA key
exchange, CBC Block Cipher 3DES_EDE encryption and the SHA Hash
DHE_DSS_with_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA – This ciphersuite combines the DSA
Diffie Hellman key exchange, CBC Block Cipher 3DES_EDE encryption and SHA
Hash Algorithm.
RSA_EXPORT_with_RC4_40_MD5 – This ciphersuite combines the RSA Export
key exchange, stream cipher RC4 encryption with 40–bit keys.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To disable the SSL status on the Switch:
DGS–3426:5#disable ssl
Command: disable ssl
To disable ciphersuite RSA_EXPORT_with_RC4_40_MD5 only:
DGS–3426:5#disable ssl ciphersuite RSA_EXPORT_with_RC4_40_MD5
Command: disable ssl ciphersuite RSA_EXPORT_with_RC4_40_MD5
config ssl cachetimeout
Purpose Used to configure the SSL cache timeout.
config ssl cachetimeout <value 60–86400>
Description This command is used to set the time between a new key exchange between a client and
a host using the SSL function. A new SSL session is established every time the client and
host go through a key exchange. Specifying a longer timeout will allow the SSL session to
reuse the master key on future connections with that particular host, therefore speeding
up the negotiation process.
Parameters timeout <value 60–86400> – Enter a timeout value between 60 and 86400 seconds to
specify the total time an SSL key exchange ID stays valid before the SSL module will
require a new, full SSL negotiation for connection. The default cache timeout is 600
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.