
8Ć14 Troubleshooting
Plain + Error: The current plot is too large and does not fit in memory.
D If the plot is a raster plot, try sending it with a
no negative motion RTL
command. D If it is a vector plot, try using a driver that performs all the
rasterization of the plot in the host computer before sending it to the plotter.
(See also ' chapter 5, w Memory Usage.) D Otherwise, add more memory by
installing a DRAM SIMM.
Ready: The plotter is busy with a task or is receiving a file.
Flashing 6
Flashing 13
Load Media + Error: MediaĆload error.
D Cover open during startĆup. D Check that the media is aligned and that the
correct media size is loaded. Try to load it again. (Tips ' User's Guide,
chapter 4.) D Clear any binding in the media axis. Caution: Do not pull
media along the carriage axis - you could break the mediaĆsensor flags. D
Are both mediaĆsensor flags installed? D Check for a faulty media sensor. D
Check for a faulty or badly connected trailing cable. D Check for a faulty
carriage PCA.
Flashing 23
Error + Film: One or more of the cartridges is missing, making bad contact
or is of the wrong type. Try one or more of the following:
D Remove each cartridge. Ensure that the protective tape has been removed,
and look for dirty contacts or wear. Replace each cartridge and run the
BlackĆCartridge Alignment Procedure. (Instructions ' User's Guide,
chapter 1.) D Replace the trailing cable. D Replace the carriage. D Replace
the electronics module.
Flashing 34
Error + Ready: There is a problem with the serial interface.
D Ensure the plotter's settings for baud rate and parity are the same as those
of the host computer. To check the plotter settings, use the setup sheet.
(Instructions ' User's Guide, chapter 1.) D Also check your interface cable
and connections. D This error may also occur if you send a drawing for print
using a Windows driver when the
Fast Direct to Print option is turned OFF
in the Windows Printer Control Panel. You should either turn the Fast
Direct to Print
option ON, or send the drawing to a file and print the file
from the MSĆDOS command line through the serial port. D If the host
computer is an HP 712 workstation, you may have some problems using
baudrates of 19200 and 38400. Check if recent service notes have a solution.
D Check to see if the Plotter or PC is badly configured. D Check for an error
in the host computer. D Replace the electronics module.
Flashing 36
Load Media: Media must be reĆaligned.
ReĆalign the media. Instructions ' User's Guide, chapter 2.
Flashing 2