6Ć14 Removal and Replacement
8 Pull the electronics module to the right,
in order to easily access the connectors.
9 Disconnect all cables from the visible part
of the main PCA.
Reassembling: The connectors and
cables correspond as follows:
Connector Cable Clip
FP Front Panel A
PINCH PinchĆArm Sensor A
COVER TopĆCover Sensor A
MEDIA Media Sensor B
P1 Trailing Cable
ENC X Media Motor Encoder
MOT X Media Motor C
MOT Y Carriage Motor C
Prevent tugging on the cables at the point
of connection by leaving slack between the
connectors and the clips.
10 Pull the electronics module further to the
right and out of the plotter.
Reassembling: Slide the module into the
plotter until it is stopped by its location
hook on the floor of the plotter. Be careful
not to damage the parallelĆport clamps.
11 If you are changing the electronics module
for a new one, remove the DRAM SIMM(if
installed) from the old module and install
it into the new one. Refer to Chapter 9
before installing the ROM SIMM from the
old module into the new module.
Calibrations: After having installed a new
electronics module, perform the following
calibrations. (Details ' chapter 7.)
1. Black Cartridge Alignment
2. Color Cartridge Test
3. Accuracy Calibration
Note also that the factory spittoon value on the
EEROM of the new electronics module is reset
to 0% used. Keep in mind that the value printed
on the service configuration plot may greatly
underestimate the amount of ink in the spittoon.
Future PCĆbased plotter diagnostics will enable
you to download information from the old
EEROM and upload it to the new EEROM.
Reassembling: After reinstalling the
electronics module, the plotter must be
configured with the correct model ID.
To configure plotter ' page 8Ć28.