Font Settings group box
In the Font Settings group box, the only available option is Send TrueType as Bitmaps, which
provides an alternative for software programs that cannot easily use TrueType fonts for special
graphic purposes, such as shading, rotation, or slanting. The Send TrueType as Bitmaps check
box is not selected (clear) by default. If you select this option, the driver sends TrueType fonts to
the printer as outlines, which retains the standard format (outlines) of the fonts.
Output Settings
The Output Settings group box contains controls for pattern scaling, and to print all text as
The default values for the Output Settings are as follows:
● Scale Patterns (WYSIWYG) is selected
● Print all Text as Black is not selected
Scale Patterns (WYSIWYG)
Use the Scale Patterns (WYSIWYG) feature to address the moiré effect that is created
when certain programs encounter certain patterns. Use this feature to turn off the pattern
scaling. What you lose is WYSIWYG with patterns, but the printed result might look better.
The feature works only with programs that use vector hatch patterns. This option is selected
by default.
Print all Text as Black
The Print All Text as Black feature is not selected by default. When the feature is selected,
the driver prints all text as black regardless of the original document text color. Color text is
printed as black, except for white text, which remains white. (White text is a reliable method
of printing reverse typeface against a dark background.) This setting does not affect graphic
images on the page, nor does it affect any text that is part of a graphic.
Print Quality Details for the PCL 5c driver
Figure 3-8. Print Quality Details dialog box for HP traditional PCL 5c driver
The following options are available:
● Current Setting group box
● Font Settings group box
EN Chapter 3 HP traditional print drivers for Windows 87