Status tab
The Status tab, with the Device Status setting selected, is shown in the following illustration.
Figure 2-6. Toolbox Device Status tab
The Status tab provides the following options:
● Device Status. This screen shows the percentage of life remaining for each
consumable, the status and configuration information for the input trays and output,
and the accessories that are installed on the product.
● Supplies Status. This screen shows the levels remaining for all consumables and the
HP Part Numbers for each consumable. (It is helpful to have the part numbers
available when it is time to order supplies.)
● Print Info Pages. Print the configuration page and various other information pages that
are available for the product, such as the Supplies Status page, the Demo page, and
Menu Map.
● toolbox Links. Select a device, view current alerts, or view the HP Toolbox Web site
in text-only format (without graphics).
Other Links. For information about these links, see
Links to off-product solutions in the
HP Embedded Web Server section of this guide.
EN Chapter 2 Software description 35