
The box labeled PIN is usually inactive. The Require PIN to Print option becomes available
when you select Stored Job. If you select the Require PIN to Print box, you must type a PIN to
make the stored job private.
A private stored job is not the same as a private job (see above). Private jobs are deleted
from the product after they are printed. Private stored jobs are retained in the product after
printing, but require that a PIN be typed each time they are printed.
Job Identification
User Name text box
Job Name text box
PIN text box
User Name
Use the User Name text box to help identify the job at the product control panel. The
Windows user name is automatically displayed in the User Name text box. To enter a
custom user name, type the custom user name in the text box. The User Name text box can
contain no more than 16 characters, and is limited to A through Z and 0 through 9 because
the name appears on the product control-panel display. If you try to type a lowercase
character, it automatically shifts to uppercase. If you try to type a character in an ASCII code
of fewer than 32 or more than 126 characters, the character is removed from the edit field,
along with all of the characters that follow it. If you try to type more than 16 characters, any
character beyond 16 is truncated.
Job Name
Use the Job Name text box to specify a name to identify the job at the product control panel.
This text box uses Untitled as the default job name associated with the stored print job. The
file name of the print job is used if it is available to the print driver. Otherwise, the software
program name or a time stamp is used for the job name. To enter a custom name, type the
custom job name in the text box. The Job Name text box can contain no more than 16
characters, and is limited to A through Z and 0 through 9 because the name appears on the
product control-panel display. If you try to type a lowercase character, it automatically shifts
to uppercase. If you try to type a character in an ASCII code of fewer than 32 or more than
126 characters, the character is removed from the edit field, along with all of the characters
that follow it. If you try to type more than 16 characters, any character beyond 16 is truncated.
The box labeled PIN is usually inactive. The Require PIN to Print option is activated if you
select either of the following options:
Select Private Job. If selected, you must type in the PIN number at the product control
panel in order to make the job print. For more information, see
Using a PIN for Private
Job .
Select Stored Job, and then select the Require PIN to Print check box. If the Require
PIN to Print check box is selected, you must type a PIN in order to make the stored
job private. For more information, see
Stored Job.
EN Chapter 3 HP traditional print drivers for Windows 141