
System requirements
The following are the system requirements for installing and using the HP Color LaserJet 4650
printing-system software on each of the supported operating systems:
Pentium (R) or compatible processor
Minimum 16-color/grayscale display with 640-by-480 pixel resolution (video graphics array
Same amount of RAM as the minimum requirements for the operating system
93 MB of available hard-disk space (on the same partition as the operating system) for full
Onboard parallel port or network connection
Font support
The following sections list the fonts that are included with Microsoft Windows software, and the
fonts that are available on the CD that came with the product.
Basic fonts
Microsoft Windows software includes these basic fonts, which can be used with any HP printing
Courier New Italic
Times New Roman Italic
Arial Italic
Courier New Bold
Times New Roman Bold
Arial Bold
Courier New Bold Italic
Times New Roman Bold Italic
Arial Bold Italic
Courier New
Times New Roman
Default fonts
The following default fonts are installed through a Typical Installation of the
HP Color LaserJet 4650 printing-system software.
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