The product configuration can be set to hold a maximum of 50 quick-copy or proof-and-hold
jobs. The number is set at the product control panel in the CONFIGURATION menu, and the
default is 32. When this preset limit is reached, the new document overwrites the oldest held
document. Also, a document that has the same user and job name as one that is already
stored on the hard disk will overwrite the existing document. Quick Copy jobs are deleted if
you turn off the product.
Stored Job
To use the Stored Job option, a hard disk must be installed, Job Storage must be enabled, and
the product must have a minimum total memory of 288 MB.
Use the Stored Job option to send a print job directly to the product hard disk without printing it.
The print job is stored in the product as if it is an electronic file cabinet. After the print job is
stored on the product hard disk, you can print the job at the product control panel.
The job remains stored in the product until it is deleted or overwritten by a document that has the
same user and job names. Stored jobs remain on the product hard disk when the product is
turned off. Use this feature for forms and other common or shared documents.
A stored job can be managed in two ways: as either a private or a public job. Use a private
stored job to send a print job directly to the product, which can then be printed only after you
type in a PIN at the product control panel. (You can set the PIN in the PIN group box.) After the
job is printed, the job remains in the product and can be printed again at the product control
panel. The private mode is initiated by selecting the Require PIN to Print check box. In this
mode, a PIN that is typed at the product control panel is required in order to release the job.
The box labeled PIN is usually inactive. The Require PIN to Print option becomes available
when you select Stored Job. If you select the Require PIN to Print box, you must type a PIN to
make the stored job private.
A private stored job is not the same as a private job (see above). Private jobs are deleted from
the product after they are printed. Private stored jobs are retained in the product after printing,
but require that a PIN be typed each time they are printed.
Job notification
Clicking a job storage mode selection causes the User Name and Job Name options to become
available. The Display Job ID when printing check box is selected by default. The Display Job
ID when printing option causes a pop-up dialog box to appear when the job-storage print job is
printed. The dialog box shows the user name and job name that are associated with the stored
print job, as well as the product name, port, and location.
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