
PIM-SM (Sparse Mode)
Event Log Messages
Message Meaning
Illegal operation in BSR state
An illegal state/event combination has been detected in the
BSR state machine.
Malformed Candidate-RP adv recvd
The switch received a malformed C-RP-advertisement.
from < ip-addr >
MCAST MAC add for < mac-addr > failed
The indicated interface could not join the multicast group
for PIM packets.
MCAST flow < src-ip-addr >,
A multicast flow has been dropped due to low resources
< multicast-addr > not rteing (rsc low)
Multicast Hardware Failed to
The multicast hardware cannot be enabled.
No IP address configured on VID < vid-# >
An IP address is not configured for the indicated interface
enabled with PIM.
No route to source/rp < ip-addr >
PIM was unable to find a route to the specified IP address.
No RP for group < ip-addr >
PIM-SM needed an RP for the indicated group address, but
none was found.
Inconsistent address and mask
The group prefix needs a route/mask entry, for example, if
you want, 224.x.x.x/4, you input
Pkt dropped from < ip-addr > <reason>,
Received a packet from the indicated IP address and VLAN,
vid < vid-# >
and dropped it.
Pkt rcvd with a cksum error from
A packet arrived from the indicated IP address with a
< ip-addr >
checksum error.
PIM socket error
There was an error regarding the PIM socket, either on a
sockopt call or a recvfrom call.
Rcvd pkt ver# < # >, from < ip-addr >,
Received a packet from the indicated IP address with the
expected < # >
wrong PIM version number.
Rcvd pkt from rtr < ip-addr >, unkwn pkt
Unknown PIM packet type received from the indicated IP
type <pkt-type>
Rcvd hello from < ip-addr > on vid
A misconfiguration exists between the routers.
< vid-# >
Rcvd incorrect hello from < ip-addr >
An incorrect HELLO packet was received from the indicated
IP address.
Rcvd unkwn opt < # > in <pkt-type> pkt
A PIM packet with an unknown option number was received
from < ip-addr >
from the indicated IP address.