Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)
Steps for Provisioning VRRP Operation
Steps for Provisioning VRRP Operation
Basic Configuration Process
This process assumes the following for VRRP operation:
■ VLANs on the selected routers are already configured and IP-enabled.
■ IP routing is enabled
■ The network topology allows multiple paths for routed traffic
between edge devices.
1. Configure the Owner for VRRP operation and a VR instance.
a. On the router intended as the Owner for a particular network or
subnet, enter the global configuration context and enable VRRP.
router vrrp
b. Enter the desired VLAN context and configure a VR instance.
vlan < vid >
vrrp vrid < 1 - 255 >
Note that this step places the CLI in the context of the specified VR.
c. Configure the router as the Owner of the VR instance.
Note that this step automatically fixes the router’s priority as 255 (the
highest) for this VR instance. (The Owner priority cannot change.)
d. Configure the router’s real IP address and subnet mask for the current
VLAN interface as the virtual IP address for the VR instance. You can
use either of the following methods:
virtual-ip-address < ipaddr> <mask >
virtual-ip-address < ipaddr>/<mask-length>
e. Activate the Owner VR instance.
f. Inspect the configuration for the Owner VR.
show vrrp vlan < vid > vrid < vrid-# > config
Leave the Owner’s advertisement interval at its default (1 second). (For
more on this topic, refer to “Changing VR Advertisement Interval and
Source IP Address” on page 6-23.)