
PIM-DM (Dense Mode)
General Configuration Elements
The configured elements PIM-DM requires are:
1. IP routing enabled on all routing switches you want to carry routed
multicast traffic.
2. Configure the routing method(s) needed to reach the interfaces (VLANs)
on which you want multicast traffic available for hosts in your network:
Enable RIP or OSPF at both the global and VLAN levels on the routers
where there are connected hosts that may issue multicast joins.
Configure static routes to and from the destination subnets.
3. Enable IP multicast routing.
4. For each VLAN on which there are hosts that you want to join multicast
groups, enable IGMP on that VLAN. Repeat this action on every switch
and router belonging to the VLAN.
5. Enable PIM-DM at the global level on the routing switch and on the VLANs
where you want to allow routed multicast traffic.
Note When you initially enable PIM-DM, ProCurve recommends that you leave
the PIM-DM configuration parameters at their default settings. You can
then assess performance and make configuration changes where a need
Flow: Multicast traffic moving between a unicast source and a multicast
group. One S/G pair is counted as a single flow, regardless of the number of
hosts belonging to the related multicast group.
Host: A client device that requests multicast traffic by transmitting IGMP
“joins” for a specific multicast group, such as a video conferencing application.
MRT (Multicast Routing Table). The routing switch creates this table inter-
nally to maintain data on each multicast group it supports. The Show com-
mands described later in this chapter display MRT data managed in this table.