
PIM-DM (Dense Mode)
Displaying PIM Data and Configuration Settings
This output shows the routing switch is receiving two multicast groups from an upstream
device at The0metric shows that the routing switch is directly connected to
the multicast source.
ProCurve(config)# show ip pim mroute
PIM Route Entries
Group Address Source Address Metric Pref
--------------- --------------- ---------- ----------- 0 0 0 0
Figure 3-13. Example Showing a Routing Switch Detecting two Multicast Groups
from a Directly Connected Multicast Server
Syntax: show ip pim [mroute [< multicast-group-address >
< multicast-source-address >]]
Displays the PIM route entry information for the specified
multicast group (flow):
Group Address: Lists the specified multicast group address.
Source Address: Lists the specified multicast source address.
Source Mask: Lists the network mask for the multicast source
Metric: Lists the number of multicast router hops to the source
Metric: Indicates the path cost upstream to the multicast
source. Used when multiple multicast routers contend to
determine the best path to the multicast source. The lower the
value, the better the path.
Metric Pref: Used when multiple multicast routers contend to
determine the path to the multicast source. When this value
differs between routers, PIM selects the router with the lowest
value. If Metric Pref is the same between contending multicast
routers, then PIM selects the router with the lowest Metric
value to provide the path for the specified multicast traffic.
(Different vendors assign differing values for this setting.)
Assert Timer: The time remaining until the routing switch
ceases to wait for a response from another multicast router to
negotiate the best path back to the multicast source. If this
timer expires without a response from any contending
multicast routers, then the routing switch assumes it is the
best path, and the specified multicast group traffic will flow
through the routing switch.