LCS60 Software
Configuration Changes
A variety of commands are available to review the configuration. Commands
such as viewnets and viewhosts are available from the Config directory. Com-
mands show, types, and summary are also available to check the current confi-
guration before making configuration changes. Refer to Chapter 8 for details of
these commands.
The configuration database may be changed at any time by using commands
available from the Config directory. Table 3-2 lists the configuration commands.
Table 3-2: Configuration Commands – Config Directory
_ __________________________________________________________________
Configuration Command
_ __________________________________________________________________
Set the date and time datetime
Change the node name nodename
Choose the protocols to start when the LCS60 is rebooted protocol
Change the default route dftroute
Set the software key softwarekey
Set the DNS resolver dns
Change the SNMP configuration snmp
Change the number of service sessions maxsessions
Define service ports srvports
Configure virtual IP network for PPP and SLIP ipas
Configure IPX addresses for PPP ipx
Configure virtual AppleTalk network for ARAP and PPP atalkas
Add a new host to the network addhost
Add a new network to the LCS60 configuration addnet
Remove a host from the network delhost
Remove a network from the LCS60 configuration delnet
Configure the Ethernet interface etherif
Configure subnetworks and masks subnet
Display all hosts on a network viewhosts
Display all configured networks viewnets
_ __________________________________________________________________
_ __________________________________________________________________
All of these commands are entered at the Top>Config># prompt.
Note 1: For information on configuring multiple IP subnetworks for SLIP or
for IP over PPP, refer to Chapter 1 and to the ipas command in
Chapter 4 (PPP) or Chapter 5 (SLIP).
3-28 Issue 3