Error Messages
Cable Error Message
If the cable is disconnected the following error message will be displayed:
WARNING:e1x7=transmit packet dropped carrier sense
loss on controller 0 TDR problem at 405 3 meters.
WARNING:e1x7=transmit problem found by TDR for
on-board ethernet controller 0.
Outgoing Call Error Messages
The following are error messages that may appear when placing an outgoing call
through the CommKit Host Interface. Error codes from the data switch node are
interpreted by the CommKit Host Interface software and a descriptive message is
printed at the terminal.
For example, consider the following entry and error message:
$ dkcu mlkway/earth/morse
dkdial: Can’t connect to mlkway/earth/morse.rl.vx, dk_errno 4: Destination \
not recognized
This indicates the destination does not exist or the network does not allow the
host access to the destination.
The error messages are described below:
Access denied
The call was denied by the remote server or network security. This error
can also occur if this host attempted to set up a server, but the data switch
control computer database is not prepared to accept such a setup from this
Issue 3 C-1