Memory Dump
Screen 9-8: Service Menu
1) Continue System Start Up
2) Select Alternate Boot Device
3) Go to System Debugger
4) Initiate Service Call
5) Display System Test Errors
6) Dump Memory to Tape
Enter Menu #:
6 . At the Service Menu, enter 6 to dump memory to tape.
7 . Continue with the dialogue below; use Return to select defaults:
Do you wish to dump memory (N/Y)? y
Controller LUN = 04, Device LUN = 00.
Change DLUN and/or CLUN (Y/N)? y
Controller LUN =04? 00
Device LUN =00? 40
Controller LUN = 00, Device LUN = 40.
Define memory blocks to be dumped.
File Number:1
Starting Address = 00000000? Return
Ending Address = 02000000? Return
Define another memory block (Y/N)? n
The following memory blocks have been defined:
File: 1 Start: 00000000 End: 02000000
Insert tape..Do you want to continue (N/Y)?
8 . Put a write enabled tape in the tape drive. The tape may be formatted or
blank; this procedure will write over any existing information on the tape.
Enter y to dump the memory to tape.
9 . The system will respond as shown:
Issue 3 9-31