4 . Remove the R1.0 or R2.0 LCS60 software as described in the section
Removing the LCS60 Application Software earlier in this chapter (page 9-13).
Note: The removal screen for the different releases will be similar but
not identical to the screen shown in Figure 9-5.
5 . Install the R3.0 LCS60 application software as described in the section
LCS60 Application Software Installation earlier in this chapter (page 9-9).
Note: In order to activate R3.0 features, you must have an R3.0 software key.
Refer to Chapter 3 for more details on the software key.
Remote Upgrade
To upgrade many R2.0 or later LCS60s to release 3.0 or later, the local tape drive
need only be used to install the upgrade release on a single R2.0 or R3.0 LCS60,
the remote upgrade server. All other LCS60s in a network are remote upgrade
clients and can be upgraded remotely over the data switch from the server.
Installation and removal of releases of the LCS60 require access to the system
console. To obtain the full benefit of the remote upgrade feature, the system con-
sole of the remote upgrade clients should be remotely accessible. Any of the sys-
tem console connections described in Chapter 2, except for direct connection to
the LCS60, provide remote console access.
Note: The remote upgrade feature does not apply to R1.0 systems.
Installing an Upgrade on a Remote Upgrade Client
To install an upgrade remotely on a client:
1 . Log on to the client from the system console as root.
9-16 Issue 3