LCS60 Configuration and Connection for SLIP
Figure 5-1 shows an example network using SLIP service.
Figure 5-1: Example Network – SLIP Service
Lucent Data Switch
Modem Pool
Remote Access Clients
You can configure the LCS60 for SLIP service using either the srvsetup command
or the individual commands (protocol, maxsessions, ipas, etherif). The
examples in this chapter use the individual commands.
If previous configuration (for example, for PPP service) has been performed,
some of the steps required for configuring LCS60 for SLIP service may have
already been completed (e.g., etherif, ipas). Skip the steps that have been com-
pleted previously.
Note: The user should familiarize him/herself with all aspects of the LCS60
SLIP service. For details, including a description of Multiple IP Subnet-
works, refer to Chapter 1.
After configuring the LCS60 as described under Initial Setup in Chapter 3, per-
form the steps shown in Figure 5-2 to configure the LCS60 SLIP Service.
Issue 3 5-1