Reference Documentation
Data Networking Products and Services Ordering Guide, select code 255-100-
CommKit Internal Interface Specification, select code 700-283.
Order these manuals from the Customer Information Center, P.O. Box 19901
Indianapolis, IN 46219, 1-800-432-6600 (USA), 1-800-255-1242 (Canada),
1-317-352-8557 (other areas), or contact your Lucent Technologies account execu-
tive (AE).
Apple References
When using the LCS60 with AppleTalk or ARAP, the following references may
be useful:
Inside AppleTalk, Second Edition, G.S. Sidhu, et.al, Addison-Wesley Pub-
lishing (ISBN 0-201-55021-0).
AppleTalk Remote Access Modem Script Workshop – Software (contact Apple
Gateway References
RFC 854, Telnet Protocol Specification
RFC 856, Telnet Binary Transmission
RFC 857, Telnet Echo Option
RFC 858, Telnet Suppress 60 Ahead Option
RFC 859, Telnet Status Option
RFC 860, Telnet Timing Mark Option
RFC 861, Telnet Extended Options - List Options
RFC 884, Telnet Terminal Type Option
Issue 3 1-3