LCS60 Software
Initial Setup
Note: You must have the appropriate key to activate the features on your
LCS60. The R1 key will activate gateway services and the IP protocol
feature, R2 activates the R1 features and the AppleTalk protocol feature,
and the R3 key will activate all R2 features and the IPX protocol.
After completing the steps in initsetup, you must complete the configuration of
your LCS60 by adding the protocols and services you will be using. Refer to the
sections (Configure Protocols and Gateway Services–srvsetup and Configure Default
Route, DNS, and SNMP ) below to complete the configuration of your LCS60.
The individual configuration commands are listed in Table 3-1. These com-
mands may be run individually from the Top>Config> prompt, or as part of the
srvsetup command as noted in Table 3-1.
Table 3-1: Protocol and Services Commands
_ ______________________________________________________________________
Service Command Notes
_ ______________________________________________________________________
Define protocols/services protocol srvsetup
Configure the Ethernet Interface etherif srvsetup
Set the default route dftroute dftroute
Configure the Domain Name Resolver dns dns
Configure the SNMP Agent snmp snmp
Define the maximum LCS60 maxsessions srvsetup
and gateway service sessions
Configure IPX virtual and ethernet addresses
for PPP sessions ipx srvsetup, Chap. 4
Configure virtual network for SLIP srvsetup,
and PPP services ipas Chap. 4 and 5
Configure virtual AppleTalk atalkas srvsetup,
network/zone for PPP and ARAP services Chap. 4 and 6
Configure TCP-to-Async gateway service (ports) srvports Chap. 7
_ ______________________________________________________________________
_ ______________________________________________________________________
Issue 3 3-9