Error Messages
Outgoing Call Error Messages
Insufficient CIR at module
The call could not be completed because the module receiving the call
does not have sufficient resources to support the requested committed
information rate (CIR).
Invalid or missing phone number
The user has neglected to type the phone number required to make a
phone call as in dkcu dialer_name.phone_number. The phone_number is
synonymous with the dialstring.
Mismatched GOS endpoints
The call can not be completed because the originating and receiving end-
points of a call have the grade of service (GOS) configured differently.
Network congestion--Call forward error. Try again later
The call cannot be completed due to a lack of resources needed by a trunk
in the call path. Try again.
Network congestion--Call initiation failure. Try again
The call cannot be completed because a message usually sent between
processes during call setup was not sent. Wait a short time then call again.
Network congestion--Call timeout. Try again.
The call cannot be completed. No response was received and the call
attempt timed out. Try again.
Network congestion--Channel allocation error. Try again later.
The call cannot be completed because there is no free channel in the data
switch control computer database. Wait a short time before trying to call
Network congestion--Connection error. Try again later
The call cannot be completed because a connection cannot be made. Wait
a short time before trying to call again.
Network congestion--Trunk call collision. Try again
The call cannot be completed because of a call collision in the trunk. Wait
a short time and try the call again.
C-6 Issue 3