Xmit(Pkts) Number of packets transmitted.
Recv(Bytes) Number of bytes received.
Recv(Pkts) Number of packets received.
Recv Errs
CRC Indicates a checksum error for the received PPP frame.
BadF Indicates the number of invalid frames received.
Rej Indicates the number of duplicate or out of sequence frames
ReXmts Number of re-transmissions (this is seen with the -v option).
When the connection is idle, this represents the continual keep-
alive signals, therefore it is not ordinarily displayed.
Top>Session> show slip
Sesid Session ID number.
Name The name of the session. This name will be the letter s followed
by the data switch channel number.
Mtu The maximum transmit unit (refer to the documentation for the
SLIP package you are using).
PriQ Indicates if priority queuing is on (YES) or off (NO) (refer to the
documentation for the SLIP package you are using).
Vjslots The number of Van Jacobson compression slots (refer to the
documentation for the SLIP package you are using).
Xmit(Bytes) Number of bytes transmitted.
Xmit(Pkts) Number of packets transmitted.
Issue 3 G-9