
v Unsuccessful messages remain in Sterling B2B Integrator until an appropriate
Produce or Consume business process step completes the message handoff and
uses the message.
Note: Unsuccessful messages never expire or time out.
Searching for a Message
To search for a message in Sterling B2B Integrator:
1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > Message Monitor.
2. In the Message Monitor screen that is displayed, select one of the following
search criteria and click Go!
v Message Name – Displays messages whose names contain the specified
character or string.
v Start Date: and End Date: – Displays messages for which the related
business process step invokes either the Produce or Consume activity at the
specified start date and time. The start date and time that are displayed by
default depends on whether Sterling B2B Integrator has outstanding
unsuccessful messages.
If there are no unsuccessful messages in Sterling B2B Integrator, the Start
Date: field displays the current system date and time minus one minute,
and the End Date: field displays the current system date and time plus
one minute.
If there are unsuccessful messages in Sterling B2B Integrator, the Start
Date: field displays the date and time of the unsuccessful message with
the earliest start date and time, minus one minute, and the End Date: field
displays the date and time of the unsuccessful message with the latest
start date and time, plus one minute.
v Alphabetically or by message type (ALL, Producer, or Consumer) – Displays
those messages initiated by business processes that:
Have names starting with a particular letter or number selected from the
Alphabetically list. Default is ALL (all business processes).
Are either Produce or Consume processes, or both (ALL).
3. Review the information pertaining to the listed messages. This information is
displayed in the following columns:
v Type – Type of business process associated with the message, either Produce
or Consume.
v ID – ID of the business process associated with the message. Click an ID in
this column to display the Business Process Details page of the business
v Process Name – Name of the associated Produce business process or
Consume business process. Click a process name in this column to display
the BPML of the business process.
v Message Name – Name of the unconsumed message.
v Start Time – Start date and time of the associated step within the business
Reviewing System Information
Use the System Troubleshooting page (Operations > System > Troubleshooter) to
review system information and troubleshoot system issues in Sterling B2B
Performance Management 97