
Statistic Name Description
Average (ms) Average processing time taken for a business process or service to
be completed.
For example, in the figure preceding this table, it can be seen that
the CIIDeenvelope business process took an average of 19229.0 ms
to complete, while the Deenveloping step (1 DeenveloperCII) took
an average time of 18573.0 ms. Both these are the average statistics;
there were two invocations of the business process.
Use this statistic to track the overall averages of business processes
or activities that begin to slow down during processing. If you
notice this statistic increasing over your benchmark value, it may
be indicative of a performance issue. If you see an occasional
variance for a business or activity, it does not necessarily indicate a
performance issue. If, however, you notice a continuous variance
between production statistics and your benchmarks, you probably
have a real issue that should be addressed.
For more information about slow systems, refer to the topic A Slow
System: Symptoms, Causes, and Resolution.
For more information about improving business process execution
time, refer to the topic Symptoms and Causes of Poor Business
Process Execution Time.
Invocations Number of times the business process or service was invoked since
the report was generated first. The number of invocations should
be the same for both the business process and each activity in the
business process, unless you have a business process that loops
several times. In such a situation, you can set the number of
invocations lower than the number of activities in the business
For example, in the figure preceding this table, it can be seen that
the CIIDeenvelope business process had two invocations, and the
Deenveloping step (1 DeenveloperCII) had two invocations.
Use this statistic to determine if the number of business processes
expected are running, and if all the activities in the business
processes are running. If you see a variance between the business
process invocation number and the activity number, this may
indicate that a business process has an error, and is in a waiting,
interrupted, or halted state. You can also use this statistic to
determine the processing load on your system during different
processing periods, such as peak and nonpeak processing hours.
206 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management