
Mandatory or
Recommended Recommended Value
MAXAGENTS Recommended Limits the number of database
manager agents (both coordinator
or subagents) that can run
concurrently. Pick a high enough
number so that the combined
connection requirements from the
application servers, agents,
monitoring tools, and so on do not
exceed the MAXAGENTS limit
during peak processing periods. If
you do, you must restart the DB2
instance to increase this limit.
Recommend value: Must be greater
than the number of connections
needed by Sterling B2B Integrator
(that is, the sum of transactional
(local) plus NoTrans pools in
jdbc.properties file) plus the
connections needed by operational
management tools.
With the use of connection pooling
in the NoApp Server, the number
of database connections is less than
the number of users who are
logged in. Depending on your
anticipated peak workload traffic,
this parameter may range from a
small number such as 25 to a large
number in the thousands.
Monitor the number of concurrent
connections in production
(especially during peak periods) to
ensure that it does not reach the
maximum. When the
MAXAGENTS limit is reached,
DB2 refuses to establish new
connection requests.
Estimation Guidelines for Number of Connections
You can roughly estimate the number of concurrent user connections required for
Sterling B2B Integrator with this formula:
Concurrent (DB2) connections = A + B + C + D
Variable Description
A Maximum number of UI-based connections
B Maximum NoApp Server connection pool max size times the
number of NoApp Server instances (as in a cluster)
Performance Management 39