Field / Description
Tuning Formula or Default Value
(Default value is provided if there is no
tuning formula)
Workflow in transit list timeout (ms)
Allows the business process to transfer from
one node to another without the Recover
process interrupting the business process. In
a cluster, when a business process is
switched to another node due to a heavy
load, the workflow id will be "seen" by the
Recover process as still in the queue on this
node for the amount of time (in
milliseconds) specified by this parameter.
This allows the business process to finish
transfering to the other node without the
Recover process interrupting the business
Increase this value if the Recover process is
interrupting business processes during a
heavy load in a clustered environment. This
may make the UI list the business process as
'in queue' but the business process can
actually be running. This will not interfere
with the running result. It may only delay
displaying the business process state on the
Setting this value to 0 will prevent this
functionality from being used and will keep
an extra thread that performs part of this
functionality from being started.
tuning.properties Property:
Default value: 20000
Click Next.
9. In the Cache page that is displayed, decide whether you want to use the
current settings or the suggested settings.
v If yes, click Fill Suggested.
v If no, enter information in the following fields:
Performance Management 153