Field / Description
Tuning Formula or Default Value
(Default value is provided if there is no
tuning formula)
Number Of Purge Deadlock Retries
Controls the number of repeated attempts to
start the purge process before aborting.
tuning.properties Property:
Default value: 30
Maximum Purge Threads
Controls the maximum number of threads
that can be allocated to the purge process.
tuning.properties Property:
Default value: 1
Purge Documents on Disk
Select True from the drop-down list to purge
the documents on file system disk space,
along with database disk space.
It is recommended to purge documents on
the disk, else the disk space may get filled
For more information about purging, refer to
Purge Service documentation.
If you select False from the drop-down list,
the documents are purged only in the
database disk space.
tuning.properties Property:
Default value: True
Click Next.
In the Database Connection Pool page that is displayed, decide whether you
want to use the current settings or the suggested settings.
Note: Sterling B2B Integrator restart is not required if you modify settings in
this page.
v If yes, click Fill Suggested.
v If no, enter information in the following fields and click Next.
Transactional pool connections are used by the workflow engine to manage
database operations during a workflow step. Commands issued to a
transactional connection are not committed to the database until the end of
the workflow step, allowing rollback if the workflow step fails.
Non-transactional pool connections are used when rollback is not required.
156 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management