Field / Description
Tuning Formula or Default Value
(Default value is provided if there is no
tuning formula)
Disk cache size (MB) Maximum
Maximum amount of disk space used to
store the business process context when it is
being moved from memory. This limit
ensures that Sterling B2B Integrator does not
consume all the available disk space. This
field changes the JMS_PAGING_MAX
property in the tuning.properties file in the
install_dir/properties directory.
tuning.properties Property:
Maximum Java heap size allocated to the
server JVM)
Memory Cache Threshold (MB)
Amount of threshold memory size for
caching a context in the in-memory cache
versus the disk cache.
The distribution of context sizes tends to
look vaguely like an “M” with one cluster of
small contexts and another cluster of larger
contexts. If this value is set large, the value
for memory cache size should also be large.
A moderate multiple of the disk block size
seems to work very well in many cases.
tuning.properties Property:
Default value: 16384
Use Shadow Cache
Select True from the drop-down list if you
want to enable shadow cache.
It is used to retain business process objects
in the memory as long as JVM permits.
When the thread is available for the business
process to run, the object is retrieved from
the memory instead of the disk.
Use Shadow Cache plays an important role
during load balancing in a cluster
environment. It uses soft reference for
caching workflow context objects.
If you select False from the drop-down list,
shadow cache will be disabled and space
will not be allocated to retain business
process objects in the memory.
tuning.properties Property:
Default value: True
150 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management