Field / Description
Tuning Formula or Default Value
(Default value is provided if there is no
tuning formula)
Initial Connections
Determines the initial number of connections
to be reserved in the database connection
Based on the connection pool, the
parameters are provided in the following
v Local: (jdbcService.dbPool_local.initsize)
v Select: (jdbcService.dbPool_Select.initsize)
v Non-transactional:
v Default: (jdbcService.dbPool.initsize)
v Archive:
v UI: (jdbcService.dbUIPool.initsize)
Depending on the database, replace the db
with the database name. For example, if you
are using Oracle as your database, enter
oracle. Default values are provided in the
following list:
v Local: jdbcService.dbPool_local.initsize = 1
v Select: jdbcService.dbPool_Select.initsize =
v Non-transactional:
jdbcService.dbPool_NoTrans.initsize = 1
v Default: jdbcService.dbPool.initsize = 1
v Archive: jdbcService.dbArchivePool.initsize
= 1
v UI: jdbcService.dbUIPool.initsize = 4
Maximum Connections
Determines the maximum number of
connections to be reserved in the database
connection pool.
Based on the connection pool, the
parameters are provided in the following
v Local: (jdbcService.dbPool_local.maxsize)
v Select: (jdbcService.dbPool_Select.maxsize)
v Non-transactional:
v Default: (jdbcService.dbPool.maxsize)
v Archive:
v UI: (jdbcService.dbUIPool.maxsize)
Depending on the database, replace the db
with the database name. For example, if you
are using Oracle as your database, enter
oracle. Default values are provided in the
following list:
v Local: jdbcService.dbPool_local.maxsize =
v Select: jdbcService.dbPool_Select.maxsize =
v Non-transactional:
jdbcService.dbPool_NoTrans.maxsize = 30
v Default: jdbcService.dbPool.maxsize = 30
v Archive:
jdbcService.dbArchivePool.maxsize = 20
v UI: jdbcService.dbUIPool.maxsize = 20
Performance Management 159