Property Description
event_input_queue_capacity Specifies the capacity of the bounded queue (AFT
database listener event queue) through which all the AFT
events must pass en route the database. Default is 2048.
v If the value of this property is set too high, it may
negatively impact system performance because of
excessive memory usage. This property should be
tuned with the persistent_batching_interval property for
optimum results.
v For large volume operations of FTP, Mailbox, Advanced
File Transfer, and Sterling File Gateway, the number of
open file descriptors should be set to at least 4096,
using the command ulimit -n 4096.
visibility_coverage Specifies which AFT Visibility components are enabled.
Valid values are:
v All – Enables all the AFT Visibility components. This
includes CommBase, Authentication, Authorization,
NonFileXfer, and AdminAudit.
v CommBase – Enables the basic level of visibility
coverage that includes Communication Sessions, File
Transfers, and Process File Events. AFT Routing events
and records are also included in this setting.
v Authentication – Enables Authentication events and
v Authorization – Enables Authorization events and
v NonFileXfer – Enables Non File Transfer events and
records (such as FTP CWD).
v CommAll – Enables CommBase, Authorization,
Authentication, and NonFileXfer.
v AdminAudit – Enables Administrative Audit trail
events and records.
v None – Disables AFT Visibility.
Example: dmivisibility.visibility_coverage=All
Visibility coverage property settings can be also combined
using commas as delimiters, for example:
4. Save and close the customer_overrides.properties file.
5. Stop Sterling B2B Integrator and restart it to use the new values.
Optimize System Performance for Sterling e-Invoicing
Sterling e-Invoicing is installed on an instance of Sterling B2B Integrator, and
shares many of the resources with the latter.
You should, therefore, tune your Sterling B2B Integrator installation first, and then
perform the Sterling e-Invoicing-specific tuning task. However, be aware that the
changes you make to Sterling e-Invoicing can also affect the performance of
Sterling B2B Integrator.
Performance Management 193