
About this task
For individual steps of the graceful soft stop, refer to the documentation on the
opscmd command.
Important: The individual steps of a soft stop of Sterling B2B Integrator from the
command line are subject to timeout values, stored in the shutdown.* properties of
the noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext.in property file.
1. In the installation directory of Sterling B2B Integrator, navigate to the bin
2. Run the softstop.sh (UNIX) or softstop.cmd (Windows) command with the
following options:
Note: The default values for many of these options are stored in the
shutdown.* properties of the noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext.in
property file.
v node_name
The cluster node name, like node1 or node2.
v all
Shuts down the whole cluster.
v allLocalNodes
Shuts down all of the local nodes of an application instance, including
container nodes.
Note: If you shut down all of the nodes and the ActiveMQ process is still
running, you need to run hardstop.sh to kill it. This applies to shutting
down the whole cluster.
v [-tq timeout_for_queues]
Timeout value in seconds for all business processes on the queue to finish.
v [-ta timeout_for_adapters]
Timeout value for stopping all adapters.
Note: You can also shut down adapters using the graceful adapter shutdown
tool. For more information, see Graceful Adapter Shutdown.
v [-dp bp_drain_policy]
1 - Distribute all business processes on the queue to other nodes or save
them to the database.
2 - Distribute all not-started business processes on the queue to other
nodes or save them to the database.
3 - Let all the business processes on the queue be processed until a
timeout for the shutdown.
4 - Distribute all business processes on the queue, that have not started
and have no open sessions against adapters, to other nodes or save them
to the database.
v [-cp bp_completion_policy]
If bp_completion_policy is 1 or 2, then bp_drain_policy is set to 1.
1 - Complete the current business process step.
2 - Complete the current business process execution cycle.
116 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management